Made In Japan. The development and perfection of craftsmanship is of paramount importance in all age-old traditions of Japan.

Uncompromising efforts of every artisan, with meticulous attention in the entire supply chain during production deliver products of the highest accuracy down to the finest details. A strong sense of attachment to the products is also build.

From sourcing premium fabrics, to cutting, sewing and putting on the finishing touches, the clothing ateliers blend the traditional with the revolutionary to form clothing that gives wearers a style of their own. The result, products that invigorate our daily life.


日本製。 熟練され、精巧さを極めた職人技こそ、日本が最も誇る伝統文化です。 精巧に作られた製品をお届けする為、どの職人も、どの行程においても、細部にまで気を配り、妥協を許さず作り上げています。 だからこそ愛着と誇りを持ってお勧めできるのです。
